The third original tribe of Fahdamin-Ra is the Harun. They were formed from the rock in the mountains and they have some rock-like traits; they do not change easily, they are not emotional people, and not very imaginative. The tribe is named Harun, the city is named Harun, and the mountains that the city is carved from are called the Harun Mountains. The Harun are loyal subjects,keeping the Creator's apartment ready and writing down their history as if they were expecting the Creators to show up unexpectedly.
The tribe is ruled over by a king. He has two advisors, the City Director and the Tribe Historian, who help him rule. The City Director keeps track of the Harun bartering system. Each Harun from age 16 and up has a job, which the City Director assigns after reviewing that person's talents. The city clerks keep track of the amount each person works (one pebble a day, for example) against how many goods that worker takes from the market (pebbles charged against that person's account.)Like the other Fahdamin tribes, the Harun do not use money, or know about the concept.
The Tribe Historian supervises the Historical Scribes, who copy down the Harun history so that each person in the tribe has a copy. The more junior scribes make the paper and carve writing sticks of graphite for their senior scribes. Historical Scribes are the teachers of the tribe and each scribe has a few students. They also keep track of family history and geneology, so when the City Director offers several bride choices to eligible Harun men, both the Tribe Historian and the City Director have combed the family trees and found the three best choices to offer each bachelor.
The King is the judge, law maker, and the head of the tribe. All disputes are brought before him and he presides over all ceremonies. When the prince has a son that reaches 16 years old, he becomes the king and his father is called "Father King." The Father King helps his son by going around and seeing how everyone in the tribe is getting along, and then brings his concerns to his son. The king usually heeds his father's advice.
The Harun tribe is very structured, and it is reflected by their clothing. Children wear solid colored clothing until they are 16 and assigned a profession. Once they start a job, they wear clothing with two colored, wide stripes. As people are promoted in their jobs, they are allowed to wear clothing with more stripes of color. The King has clothing with 8 colors of stripes, and is the only one allowed to have so many colors. The fabric that he wears has varying widths, as does the garments for senior people in high positions in Harun. Just by looking at what a Harun is wearing tells you their job and how senior they are in their profession.
All Harun adults wear hats, which vary from simple, folded hats to tri-cornered, tall hats worn by senior officials. All hats have to have three corners, which is tradional in Harun, because their favorite number is three. Men wear a sash over one shoulder; over the left shoulder for married men and over the right for single men. Men wear more jewelry and decorate their hats and clothing with more feathers and jewels than the women do.
Unlike the other tribes, Harun are vegetarians and their food supply relies solely on their crops. They are excellent farmers. They also grow herbs, plants used for dyes and medicines, and cotton. The Harun mountains are surrounded by level, fertile plains, where they have their gardens. Guards are posted high up in towers in order to watch over the crops by day, and to patrol by night when the Creators are not visiting.
After the Creators returned to Fahdamin-Ra, the Harun were the ones who faced the most changes. The Bridges family thinks that the changes were for the good of everyone, but do the Harun agree?
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